
Urinary Tract Infections: Causes, Symptoms and Solutions

Urinary tract infections are some of the common infections caused by bacteria that impact thousands of people globally each year. Despite the fact that these types of bacterial infections are affecting the quality of life of millions of people all over the world, there are some misunderstandings about it. So it becomes very important to deeply understand what actually urinary tract infections are, what their causes, symptoms and methods of effective treatment. All these points will be discussed in a comprehensive way in this detailed article. You will be in a position to know how you can go for effective treatment options and their prevention. Let’s get started. 

What is a Urinary Tract Infection? 

In order to go further it is really important to first understand what actually urinary tract infection is? UTI is a type of disease that affects any part of the urinary tract system particularly kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra. Research has shown that most infections affect the lower urinary system especially bladder and urethra. The important thing here to understand is that women are at a high level of risk to develop urinary tract infections as compared to men. It is because women have urethra which is shorter in length that allows bacteria to enter into the bladder more easily. 

What is a Urinary Tract Infection

Causes of Urinary Tract Infections

When we talk about causes of any particular disease it means to investigate major culprits behind that particular disease for moving towards effective treatment and better prevention. Same is the case here. The primary cause of urinary tract infections is bacteria. These microorganisms enter the urinary tract through the urethra and grow in the bladder. Escherichia coli is a type of bacteria which is a major contributing element in case of urinary tract infections. These types of bacteria are mostly found in the intestines but they have the characteristics to create infection when they enter the urine system. 

So here in the following we are going to talk about some of the common factors that are responsible for creating UTIs. Let’s have a look. 

Sexual Activity

Sexual contact or intercourse is one of the reasons for urinary tract infections. By performing sexual activity bacteria can enter into the urinary system and increase the chances of infection.

Female Anatomy

Women are at a higher level of risk to become the victim of UTIs due to their smaller urethra.

Certain Types Of Birth Control

Medical science has investigated that certain types of birth control methods can also increase the chances of developing urinary tract infections. Diaphragms and spermicidal medicine may encourage bacterial development and increase the risk of UTI.

Certain Types Of Birth Control


Postmenopausal women are relatively at a higher level of risk of developing UTI. It is because these types of women can observe changes in their urinary system that makes them more susceptible to infections.

Urinary Tract Abnormalities

It is also found that structural defects or blockages in the urinary system can increase the risk of urinary tract infections. 

Interference in Immune System

There are certain diseases that can be the result of a weak immune system such as diabetes. The chances of bacterial infection increase due to the presence of these types of conditions.

Catheter Use

Certain devices like catheters can bring microorganisms into the urinary tract system. When this happens, the risk of urinary tract infection increases to a greater extent. 

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections 

It is important to know symptoms in order to treat urinary tract infections in time and better prevention. In this part of the article we are going to talk about some of the common symptoms of UTI. Let’s have a look. 

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections 

Constant Need to Urinate

An affected person can experience a constant need to urinate. In most cases, only a small amount of urine is produced, but a person feels urination after some time.

Burning Sensation during Urination

Another common symptom in case of UTI is the feeling of burning during urination. 

Cloudy or Strong Smelling Urine

If you experience hazy or strong smelling urine then it may be the sign of urinary tract infections.

Blood in the Urine

Sometimes the blood starts to come with the urine. When this happens it can be the indication of UTI. Due to the blood in the urine, it can appear as red, pink or cola colored.

Pelvic Discomfort

In most of the cases women can feel pain in the pelvic especially near the pubic bone. If you experience this type of indication then must consult your doctor immediately for professional guidance. 

Lower Abdomen Pain 

A person can feel pain and discomfort especially in the lower abdomen which is one of the common signs of UTI. 

Fever and Chills

Fever and chills can be experienced in urinary tract infections especially when the infection moves to the kidneys.

 The important thing here to understand is that all these symptoms can vary, especially in older people. 

Diagnosing Urinary Tract Infection

Effective diagnosis is really very important for better treatment. If you find any symptoms related to UTI there is a need to consult your professional healthcare provider for better evaluation. Here we are going to talk about some of the important diagnosis methods that can be applied for better investigation about the possibility of urinary tract infections. Let’s have a look. 

Diagnosing Urinary Tract Infection

Urine Sample 

The first and important diagnosis test in case of UTI is to test urine samples. This test is important in order to find out the presence of the bacteria, white blood cell or red blood cells. The presence of these components in the blood means there is an infection. 

Urine Culture

This type of test is performed in order to find out the availability of specific types of bacteria that are responsible for creating infection. By doing this you will be in a position to go for particular antibiotic treatment.

Imaging Tests

From above mentioned tests, if you identify that there are constant complications in case of UTI, then there is need to test out urinary tract by using imaging tests such as CT scan and ultrasounds 


Sometimes a cystoscopy test is performed in order to examine bladder and urethra for checking out the possible abnormalities. 

Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

This is a very important part of the article that will deeply explain about the possible treatment options in case of UTI. But before going into details, it is important to understand that urinary tract infections are mostly treated with antibiotics. In this process those bacteria who are responsible for creating this disease are eliminated. Now the question is what type of antibiotic is given to a patient and what is the time period? It all depends on the complexity of infection. Let’s find out some of the common prescribed antibiotics that are mostly used in order to treat symptoms of UTIs. 

Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections


This type of antibiotics is mostly recommended in case of normal symptoms of UTI. 


A single dose of fosfomycin is mostly enough in order to treat simple urinary tract infections. 


In case of bladder infections the most effective antibiotics considered in this case is fosfomycin. 


Another common but prescribed antibiotic is cephalexin which is considered effective in treating UTI. 


Ciprofloxacin is mostly recommended when the situation becomes severe or complex. 

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

There is a simple question at the moment that comes to your mind: how can you prevent this infectious disease?  You can reduce symptoms of UTI by following some of the important preventive measures. Let’s have a look. 

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is really an important topic to be discussed. It is not only necessary for your overall health but also helpful in case of urinary tract infections. When you drink plenty of water it means you are helping to dilute the urine and remove microorganisms from the urinary system. 

Practice Good Hygiene

Try to make sure to maintain good hygiene. After using the toilet it is important to wash from front to back in order to prevent transferring of bacteria from anus to urethra. 

Urinate Regularly

It is important to understand that to make a habit to urinate regularly and avoid holding urine for a longer period of time. It is because, by doing this, the chances of bacterial growth increase.

 Urinate After Sexual Activity

Another important preventive method in case of urinary tract infections is to urinate after performing sexual activities. It is because by doing this it helps to remove any bacteria that may have been transferred during intercourse. 

Avoid Irritating Products 

Try to make sure to avoid those items that produce irritation like douches, rough soaps and other similar types of items that can be the result of providing damage to urethra.

Wear Cotton Underwear

There are a lot of characteristics of cotton made products. Cotton actually improves air flow and decreases moisture. All these factors are actually suitable places for microorganisms, so there is a need to provide unsuitable places for these bacteria.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics play their part in maintaining a healthy balance of microorganisms in the body. That’s why they help to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.

Use Cranberry Products

Some studies have shown that the use of cranberry products like their juices or taking supplements can help to prevent urinary tract infections to a greater extent.

When to Consult a Doctor? 

There is an important question at the moment: how can you decide that you have to go to your doctor in case of UTI. Let’s find out the answer to this important question. 

When to Consult a Doctor

Fever and Chills

When you feel fever and chill, it may suggest that there is a possible kidney infection. In this case it is better to consult with your professional healthcare provider for medical treatment.

Blood in the Urine

Sometimes it is possible that blood comes with the urine. If you observe this symptom you should go for medical treatment. 

Constant UTI 

If an affected person is suffering from constant urinary tract infection it means there are some basic issues that need to be addressed first in order to reduce symptoms to a greater extent.


The key to success in case of urinary tract infection is to understand it in a comprehensive way. Those people who fully understand its causes, symptoms and effective treatment options can take better preventive measures in order to reduce risk factors that are associated with UTI. So with the proper information and effective steps you can manage urinary tract infections comprehensively and can live quality of life.

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