
Back Pain Relief: Useful Tips and Treatments for Lasting Comfort

Back pain is a common problem that most of the time creates difficulties in your daily activities and also reduces your overall quality of life. Remember back pain can be stressful and exhausting whether it is severe, unexpected, prolonged and constant. There is good news for you because a lot of techniques and treatment options are available in order to reduce back pain and increase comfort level. This comprehensive article is all about. Here we are going to talk about those methods and proven tips that are helpful to improve your back pain symptoms and give you comfort and relaxation from severe pain and exhaustion. Let’s get started. 

Understand the Causes of Back Pain

Before going to different treatment options it is really important first of all to know what actually the root causes of back pain are. There are different factors that actually contribute towards back pain. Let’s talk about one by one. 

causes of back pain


Muscle or Ligament Strain

The stress on muscles in the ligament can be the reason for back pain. This pull or stress can come into existence in several ways like carrying heavy things, performing quick movements or keeping bad posture. 

Herniated or Bulging Discs

It is very important to know that discs actually act like a mattress between vertebral columns. Now the problem arises when these discs collapse out of place or extend. When this happens they can compress nerves as well, creating pain and discomfort. 


Medical research has shown that osteoarthritis can damage the lower back.  In this case, the area that is near the spinal cord contracts. 


Osteoporosis is also considered one of the reasons for back pain. Weak and fragile bones can be the result of fractures in the spine. In this case a person can feel severe pain and discomfort. 

Posture and Lifestyle Factors

Positioning and Lifestyle factors can also contribute towards back pain. The common factors can be like sitting for a longer period of time with bad positioning. Besides that, lack of exercise, smoking and being overweight can also increase the chances of back pain. 

Lifestyle Changes for Preventing and Reducing Back Pain

You can prevent and reduce the chances of back pain to a greater extent by changing your lifestyle. Here in this part of the article we give you professional tips that will help you in this whole picture. Let’s have a look. 

Lifestyle Changes for Preventing Back Pain


Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy and normal weight is not only necessary in order to prevent back pain but if you want to live a healthier life then it is also important to avoid obesity. According to research, being overweight applies more pressure and stress on your back, especially on the area of the lower back. The major benefit of reducing and maintaining healthy weight is to reduce pressure on the lower back. In this way the chances of developing back pain reduces as well. There are a lot of methods and techniques that can help you in this cause. Common examples are balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. 

Exercise Regularly

When you take regular exercise it helps to make your muscles strong and enhance your backbone. There are some common activities that you can adopt if you want to release pressure on your back such as walking, swimming and yoga. Try to take those exercises that mainly target the back, abdominal and pelvic muscles, because they help to strengthen your spine.

Practice Good Posture

Incorrect positioning which we call poor posture is one of the major contributors to back pain. Your major focus should always be a proper positioning of the spine whether you are sitting at a desk or standing. It is important to maintain your shoulders back and prevent bending over. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor when you are sitting and your knees are at right angles. It is better to think about purchasing comfortable chairs and desks in order to enhance proper posture.

Carry Objects Correctly

It is important to carry objects correctly because improper loading or carrying things can create back pain immediately and also it can be the reason for long term complications. When there is a need to carry heavy objects, make sure that your knees are bent and use the power of your legs rather than your back. While lifting a heavy object, keep close to your body and avoid your entire body to rotate during lifting.

Stop Smoking

There are a lot of health issues related to smoking but here in this case the use of smoking can reduce the ability of the blood flow to the spine. When this happens there is a possibility of disc degeneration and can also create back pain. Giving up smoking not only enhances your overall health but also reduces the chances of developing severe back pain. 

Home Remedies for Quick Relief

You can get better results if you are suffering from small to moderate back pain by implementing some home remedies. Let’s have a look. 

home remedies for quick relief


Apply heat and cold 

You can reduce the severity of inflammation and pain by applying an ice pack to the affected area. You can implement this method especially in the first 48 hours after an injury. After that there comes another step which is heat therapy. In this method, just apply a warm compress to the affected area. By doing this it can help to provide relaxation to tight muscles and can improve the flow of blood to the affected area.

Gentle Stretching 

Gentle stretching is also considered one of the best options to remove back pain because it increases flexibility and reduces stress in the muscles. You can try different stretches exercises like cat cow stretch, child pose and sitting forward band. When performing these activities it is important to make sure to move slowly and avoid stretches that are painful.

Non Prescription Pain Medicines

You can use non-prescription pain medicines like acetaminophen and Ibuprofen in order to reduce pain and inflammation. It is really important that you must take the medicines after the professional guidance from your healthcare provider. 

Stay Active

It is a common psychology of people that they prefer to take rest and stay in the bed when they are suffering from diseases but being active is more helpful for you especially in this case of back pain. Remember taking rest for a longer period of time by staying in bed can make your muscles weak that results in delay for a recovery. Try to make yourself active and use light exercises like walking and gentle stretching. By doing it, it helps to keep your muscles active and prevent discomfort or stiffness. 

Use Comfortable Sleep Positions

When we talk about back pain the most important thing that actually matters is how your way of sleeping is. There are two better ways to sleep in the right position. If you sleep on your back then place a pillow under your knees. It helps to maintain the natural curve of your spine. In the second method, you can sleep on your side by placing a pillow between your knees. In this way it can help to maintain your hips, pelvis and spine in a proper positioning. 

Treatment Options for Chronic Back Pain

It is really important to go for medical treatment if your back pain continues for a longer period of time, especially more than a few weeks. There are different treatment options that are available in order to improve symptoms of back pain. Let’s talk about one by one. 

Treatment for Chronic Back Pain


Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is considered as one of the highly effective treatment options in order to deal with chronic back pain. Here a physical therapist is an important person that can actually guide you about those exercises that are helpful in order to make your muscles and back strong, improve your sitting position and also improve flexibility. Some other techniques can also be used in order to reduce pain like electrical stimulation, manual therapy and ultrasound. 

Chiropractic Care

There is a need for chiropractic care in case of severe back pain. In this scenario chiropractors specialized in order to perform final adjustments. The final manipulation is really important in order to improve posture and reduce pain. In this practical treatment, control force is applied to joints in the spine. By doing this, it can reduce irritation of the nerves and enhance functions in a better way. Chiropractic treatment is most suitable for those people who have lower back pain. 


We have talked most of the time in our previous articles about acupuncture which is the traditional Chinese treatment method. In this type of treatment small needles are inserted into specific areas of the body. By doing this a person can experience relief from pain and recovery. According to medical research, it is shown that this traditional Chinese technique is most effective at that time when it is combined with other treatment options.

Massage Therapy

Massage treatment option is also a traditional way of giving relaxation to affected people and here in case of back pain. In this method of treatment, a person can get maximum results because it not only relaxes your stiff muscles but also increases circulation. There are different types of massage treatment options that can be used in order to improve symptoms of back pain. Swedish massage or deep tissue are both helpful methods for your back pain. 

Prescription Medicines

There are prescribed medicines that are also helpful in reducing back pain but remember only a professional healthcare provider can recommend you. In this scenario, muscle relaxants and inflammatory medicines can also be prescribed by the doctor. Remember these medicines only should be taken by the permission of a doctor because it can also have side effects.


Corticosteroid injections are another option to treat back pain. These injections can reduce inflammation around nerve roots and provide you short term relief from severe back pain. It is found that it is not a guarantee that the results are permanent but these injections can provide you relief from back pain that can last for even several weeks or months.


We have talked about so many times in our previous articles that surgery is the final option where the traditional and other treatment option fails to provide desired results. Here in this case of surgical option, herniated discs removed, fuse vertebrae or decrease in pressure on the nerve can be done. This surgical procedure is adopted at that time when spinal stenosis or herniated discs do not get better with other treatment options. 

Alternative Therapies

Many people considered alternative therapy as one of the best options to go for treatment for improving symptoms of back pain. These types of treatment options can be used alone in combination with other treatments for providing comprehensive results. Here in the following some of the techniques are as follows. 

Alternative treatment options



Yoga is the best option for alternative treatment of back pain. It is a combination of physical positioning, breathing exercises and medicines that help to improve your overall quality of life. There are some useful yoga postures that can be used like downward facing dog, child pose and cobra pose. These techniques can help to stretch and make the back muscles strong. In this way it is useful in reducing pain and increasing flexibility.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is basically a marshal technique which is based on slow and controlled motion and deep breeding. This type of treatment method is considered helpful in order to improve balance, flexibility and muscular strength that results in decreasing back pain. With regular use of Tai Chi you can reduce the stress to a greater extent which is one of the major factors in case of severe and prolonged back pain.

Mindfulness and Meditation 

Severe back pain is not only a physical matter but also it can affect your mental health as well. In this situation there is a need for both mindfulness and meditation activities that help to manage mental and emotional factors of chronic pain. MBSR mindfulness based stress reduction program is considered one of the favorite treatment options. It helps improve the ability of people to manage chronic pain.


Aromatherapy is a useful way of treatment that provides you relaxation and health benefits. In this type of therapy, essential oils are derived from plants. Some of the important oils that are derived from plants are peppermint and lavender. Due to their special characteristics of providing comfort from pain, they can be used in massage and also diffused in the air for creating a relaxing environment that helps to decrease pain.


Back pain no doubt about it can be challenging but it is really treatable and you can find relief and comfort and can improve the quality of life. There are a lot of options available for you in order to go for treatment including lifestyle changes, home remedies, professional treatments and alternative therapies. Remember all the options are not equally beneficial for every person. There is a need to consult with your professional healthcare provider for comprehensive guidance before starting any particular technique. It can take some time to find out the perfect combination but once you decide this can be very useful for your long term treatment.

If you are experiencing back pain, don’t hesitate to get expert care. A healthcare expert can give you complete guidance about the root causes of your back pain and can suggest a treatment plan according to your requirements. By following these professional guidance you can get rid from back pain and can improve your quality of life to a greater extent.

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