
Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options 

Kidney Disease is a common health issue that affects millions of people all over the world. It is somehow a complicated disease because it grows silently and mostly people observe symptoms at its advanced stages. Due to its versatile characteristics it is really important to detect it at its early stage for effective treatment. Here in this comprehensive and detailed article we are going to talk about what kidney disease is, what are its causes, symptoms and treatment options. It is very important to overcome this disease and this can only happen when you have enough knowledge about it. So let’s start this article without any wastage of time. 

What is Kidney Disease? 

Kidney Disease is also called a renal disease is actually a medical condition that affects the performance of the kidney. Now try to understand what the kidney actually is and what its functions are. Kidneys are very important organs of the body whose main function is to filter waste particles from the blood. Kidneys balance electrolytes and monitor the level of fluids in the body. Now the problem arises at that time when kidneys fail to perform their functions in a normal way. Due to the disorders in the kidneys chemicals or pollutants and surplus fluids start to build up. This situation results in creation of various health issues. 

What is Kidney Disease

Causes of Kidney Disease 

For effective diagnosis and comprehensive treatment options it is crucial to know the causes of kidney disease. Here in this part of the article we are going to talk about those factors that are considered as the root causes to create disorders in the kidneys. Let’s find out. 


Diabetes is one of the major reasons for kidney disease. Medical research has shown that higher levels of blood sugar can harm blood channels in the kidneys. In this way a medical issue is created that is called diabetic nephropathy. 

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

High blood pressure which is medically known as hypertension is another contributing factor towards kidney disease. Research has shown that continuous high blood pressure can harm small blood vessels that carry blood in the kidneys. 

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)


Glomerulonephritis is also the reason for creating the issue of kidney disease. You must be thinking at the moment what actually Glomerulonephritis is. It is basically an inflammation of the filtering organs of the kidney. This inflammation can interfere in the functions of a kidney resulting in various health issues. 

Polycystic Kidney Disease 

Polycystic kidney disease is basically a genetic health issue which comes into existence when a lot of tumors or holes start growing in the Kidneys. 

Kidney Infections

Kidney infections also play their part in kidney disease. Chronic or dangerous infections start to damage kidneys gradually. 

Obstructive Conditions

There are some obstructive conditions that can also damage the performance of the kidneys to a greater extent. Some medical issues like kidney stones and expanded prostate are very dangerous for the performance of the kidney. It is because these conditions can block the urinary tract and damage kidneys. 

Obstructive Conditions

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases can also harm the kidney like lupus. 

Medicines and Toxins

There are some medicines and poisonous substances that can also damage kidneys and their performance. 

Family History

Medical research clearly shows that family history also matters in case of Kidney disease. The chances of Kidney disease increases when someone in your family is suffering from this disease or had issues in the past. 

Symptoms of Kidney Disease 

As we have said in an introductory paragraph of the article that if kidney disease is diagnosed at an early stage then it becomes very easy and effective to go for treatment without any wastage of time. So for this purpose it is very important to experience and focus on the symptoms of kidney disease. Here are some important and common symptoms of kidney disease are as follows.

Symptoms of Kidney Disease 


Poor performance of the kidneys results in the lower performance of its various functions, poisonous and harmful substances start to build up in the kidneys. When this happens a person starts feeling tiredness and fatigue.


Another symptom in case of kidney disease is swelling. A person affected from this medical condition can experience swelling in their legs, feet, hands and ankles. This actually happens due to the overproduction of fluids in the body.

Changes in Urination

Another important symptom that you can experience in case of kidney disease is the changes in urination. There are also chances of increase or decrease in the flow of urine. Besides that, bubbling urine, dark urine and blood in the urine are also one of the prominent symptoms of kidney disease. 

Difficulty in Breathing

A person feels difficulty in breathing. This actually happens when the excessive fluid starts to build up in the lungs. 

Difficulty in Breathing

High Blood Pressure

One of the major functions of the kidneys is to manage blood pressure. When due to some issues, kidneys are affected, a condition of high blood pressure is produced which is a really dangerous sign for your overall health. 

Continuous Irritation 

If you or any person feels continuous irritation then he must be concerned because it can be the sign of kidney disease. This itching or irrigation actually comes into existence when waste products start to build up in the bloodstream.

Nausea and Vomiting

The build up of waste products can also result in gastrointestinal issues. In this case people can observe nausea and vomiting. Although it is also a common symptom in many other diseases, it must be checked out for kidney disease as well.

Loss of Appetite

Toxins or polluted chemicals in the blood can be the result of digestive issues. In this way a person gradually loses appetite. 

Muscle Cramps

The imbalance of electrolyte actually results in muscle cramps and twitching.


This is a very important part of the article. As we have said earlier, kidney disease is a complicated one so it is really crucial to be diagnosed at an early stage. Here we are going to talk about some of the important diagnosis methods that are really helpful in order to detect various health issues related to kidney disease. Let’s have a look. 


Blood Tests

Blood test is actually a fundamental test not only in case of kidney disease but also in all types of medical disorders. Here in case of kidney disease, blood tests are very important in order to measure the level of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. This measurement gives a correct idea about the functionality of the kidneys. 

Urine Tests

Urine test is another important diagnosis test in case of kidney disease. This test is actually performed in order to check out blood, protein and some other irregularities in urine. This actually helps to discover any possible kidney issues. 

Imaging Tests

As the name suggests imaging tests are performed in order to see the structure and find possible abnormalities in kidneys visually. Important imaging tests are CT scan, ultrasound and MRI. 

Kidney Biopsy

In kidney biopsy a small sample of kidney tissue is checked in order to detect the possible symptoms of disease or injuries. 

Stages of Kidney Disease

There are basically five stages of kidney disease. These stages are based on the glomerular filtration rate. Glomerular filtration rate actually analyzes how well kidneys filter blood. Let’s talk about all the five stages one by one. 

In stage one, the GFR mostly remains 90 or above. This stage is also known as normal kidney damage. 

In the second stage, the GFR measurement decreases from 90 and reaches 60-89. Second stage is commonly known as middle kidney damage. 

In the third stage, GFR measurement reaches 30-59.

4th stage is considered a severe stage of kidney damage where GFR measurement decreases to 15-29.

5th stage is the worst stage where the kidney fails to perform its functions. In the 5th stage GFR measurement further decreases from 15.

Treatment Options for Kidney Disease

The final step towards betterment is the treatment options for kidney disease. It is a fact that kidney disease gradually progresses that makes it very difficult to understand its symptoms. So after early diagnosis just move towards the treatment options. There are various means and methods to manage symptoms in a comprehensive way. Here in this part of your article we are going to talk about the important treatment options for treating kidney disease. Let’s have a look.

Treatment Options for Kidney Disease

Lifestyle Changes

The modification in your lifestyle is really important not only in case of kidney disease but also every type of medical disorder. There are some points that you have to follow while modifying or changing your lifestyle. 

Dietary Changes

First important change that you have to make is to change your diet. If you are a kidney patient then it is important to reduce taking of potassium, salt and phosphoric. Try to make sure that you eat a balanced diet that has a combination of fruit, vegetables and lean proteins. 

Regular Exercise 

Exercise is another important element for your overall health. Here in this case of kidney disease it becomes very important to maintain your healthy weight. It is because extra weight can be the result of increasing blood pressure which can affect the functioning of the kidneys. 

Stop Smoking

Smoking is another contributing factor in case of kidney disease. Try to reduce or stop smoking to improve the overall health of the kidneys. 

Stop Smoking 


With the changes of your lifestyle, medicines are also important to treat kidney disease. Some of the useful medicines in this case are as follows. 

Blood Pressure Medicines

High blood pressure is one of the major contributors to kidney disease. So in order to protect kidneys from damage there are certain blood pressure medicines that should be taken like ACE inhibitors and ARBs. 


As we have discussed earlier, excessive fluid starts to build up in the kidneys creating a lot of health issues. Diuretics medicine is used to reduce fluid buildup in the body. 

Medicines for Diabetes

For better managing kidney disease it is important to keep blood sugar levels in check. By doing this, the kidneys can be prevented from further damage. 

Medicines for Diabetes

Phosphate Binders

These types of medicines help to control phosphate levels in the blood because higher levels of phosphate in the blood can create issues in the kidneys. 


Dialysis is an important process which is performed in severe cases of kidney disease. Two important types of dialysis are as follows. 


The hemodialysis machine removes and filters impurities and excessive fluid from the blood. In most cases this process is repeated every three times a week. 

Peritoneal Dialysis

In peritoneal dialysis the lining of the abdomen actually filters blood within the body. This process can be completed at home as well but a clinical atmosphere is necessary to perform this dialysis. 

Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant becomes crucial at that stage which is considered the final stage of kidney disease. In the final stage the kidney stops performing functions, that’s why kidney transplant is the last option. Kidney transplant is a process where a damaged kidney is replaced by a healthy one. By doing this, the kidney starts its functions in a normal way. 

Managing Basic Conditions

There are some basic health issues that must be addressed because they directly affect the performance of the kidneys. Some important underlying conditions are as follows.

Diabetes Management 

It is really important to manage diabetes to a greater extent. Just focus on managing blood sugar level. You can keep a close eye on blood sugar level through diet, medicine and exercise. In this way you can prevent Kidneys from being damaged.

Hypertension Management

Hypertension management is also required for preventing kidney damage. Try to implement certain techniques and practices to keep your blood pressure in control. For this purpose by changing your lifestyle and with use of medicine you can get desired results. 

Treating Infections

It is so crucial to treat infections at an early stage in order to make sure that no complications arise in the coming future. 


By adopting preventive measures you can reduce the risk of kidney disease to a greater extent. Here in this part of the article we are going to discuss those points which are helpful in order to prevent kidney disease for a longer period of time. Let’s have a look. 


Maintaining Healthy Diet

Healthy and balanced diet is very important in order to prevent kidney disease. Eat those foods that have lower quantities of sodium, processed carbohydrates and saturated fats. 

Stay Hydrated 

In order to help kidneys to perform their functions more efficiently it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water on a daily basis. Hydration is also important for your overall health.

Regular Exercise 

In order to keep blood pressure and weight in a normal position it is important to take regular physical activities. If you are not sure to perform any typical exercise then must consult your healthcare provider.

Monitor Blood Pressure 

Make sure to monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis and keep it in a normal stage. 

Control Blood Sugar Level

If you want to prevent kidney disease in your life then make sure to control your blood sugar level. Unfortunately, if you have diabetes, you should increase your focus in order to prevent kidney damage. 

Avoid Overuse of Medicines

Sometimes overuse of medicines results in additional health issues. If you are feeling a lot of pain then you can use pain relievers only after the prescription of a professional healthcare provider. 

Stop Smoking 

If you are a smoker it is really important to stop smoking for improving the overall functionality of the kidneys. 

Regular check-ups

Try to make a habit to go for regular checkups not only in case of kidney disease but also for your general health. It is because when you regularly visit your healthcare provider, you may be informed at every time about the possible health issues and their treatment. 


When your kidneys fail to perform their functions in an effective way the issue arises which is known as kidney disease. As this disease progresses gradually it becomes compulsory to understand it comprehensively. For this purpose early diagnosis and effective treatment are the key points to do. You must be aware about the causes, symptoms and treatment options of kidney disease. You should be proactive while treating kidney disease. Try to manage this disease by modifying your lifestyle, with the use of medicine and prevention. If you find any difficulty during the journey of treatment in case of kidney disease you must consult your professional physician in an urgent way.

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